Are 2 hours really a lot of time?
Many of us have tested ourselves in sales and failed. Of course, we were the ones of those people. Like any IT ‘experts,’ we have tried to approach a concrete problem substantially. The situation we have, and which is inevitable, is described in a few sentences:
Today, there is a mobile app for everything. There are also mobile apps for which it needed to be clarified what it was for and why someone would install them (it’s our subjective opinion). We thought that making apps that don’t have sense would stop a long time ago. We were wrong. When we ask some individual or a company, “Do you want us to make you a mobile app?” The answer is – “NO, I don’t need it.”
To be honest…
Something is not right here, at least not entirely. Do individuals or companies don’t need a mobile app, or do they not need it in the way they can get it today? In one way, we completely agree with and support their answer, and we consider it to be correct, and it is:
The way you can get your mobile app today (as an individual or a company) makes little sense if we compare the investment (time, money, etc.) and the results.
So according to that: Where to find someone? How to explain to them what we need? Will we do it well? Are they going to understand us? Will they do what we said? How can we check it? What if we don’t like it? How much it costs when it comes to time, nerves, money, etc.? The final result will very likely be disproportionate or, indeed, if we may say. We won’t get anything close to what we invested.
This is where we come to the fact that the mobile app that someone has is a matter of prestige, lifestyle, and business decision but not a necessity. Speaking, only a few people have created a mobile app for their business based on the calculation that it will pay off, no matter how it pays off, either directly or indirectly.
Now we come to the sentence – try to approach a concrete problem concretely.
The solution
What if we design a system where you can create your mobile app in 2 hours so that it doesn’t cost you a lot of nerves, time, knowledge, and everything else? It has to cost almost nothing, or perhaps something only if it makes sense. We may want a mobile app. We will probably will. Ok, not all of us, certainly, but the good part is we believe.
Well, that’s Smappecle – Smart-Phone-Application-Enterprise-Client-Environment.
Why does a dentist who has his own office and works alone not provide SmartPhoneApp? Why a repairman, baker, carpenter, marketing agency, IT company, or anyone?
Let’s make it easy to do and attainable for everyone. In this way, we will get the desired result!